
  • Near

    To save your time

  • Efficient

    Receive an answer within 24 hours, paper free office

  • Xtra service

    Car pickup and replacement car
    brought to your offi ce / home for a bodyshop repair*

  • Tax

    Optimisation and free tax return preparation**

  • E-Communication

    iPhone and iPad applications, newsletters, facebook...

  • Availability

    10h00 to 19h00

  • Simple

    Access to your personal data through our website

  • Your language

    Lëtzebuergesch, Français, Deutsch, English

«Let’s make your life easier» is more than just a slogan, it is our commitment. Your time is our priority. Through our extended opening hours and the availability of modern means of communication, as well as our proactivity and active listening to your needs, we will do everything to become your trusted partner for insurance. Rather than a long speech we invite you to contact us at your convenience for all your specific requirements.

** First tax declaration offered with the purchase of a tax-deductible product. For more complicated declarations a participation in the cost may be requested.

* For any accident covered by your Casco insurance, which occurs in Luxembourg without resulting in personal injury or immobilisation of the vehicle. This pick-up service can be requested within the territory of Luxembourg. To benefit from this exclusive service, contact us on the following number, when you report the accident: 26 34 37 1.

In all other circumstances, please contact AXA Assistance on +352 45 30 55.